Saturday, September 27, 2008


The gugging is a museum just outside of Vienna. We went there on a fieldtrip with my art history class. The artists here are mentally insane and therefore the work is really interesting and different. I am a horrible person though and don't remember any of the names of these people, so I'm sorry if you wanted to know more about them. I can tell you about the works a little though.
This person was drawing airplanes. He had a lot of drawings that were regular things that he drew in werd ways. I just really like that he drew them different each time.
This guy would just draw and draw until the page was completly black, then he would rip up the paper. So the onlyfinishd pieces they have by him are little scraps of black paper. I really like that the only things they could display were unfinished pieces.
This guy would draw and write at the same time. It would usually be a made up story bout him with some woman. They are also very large, this is just a small piece of the picture. I couldn't get the whole thing because it's lightly drawn, so you couldn't really see the image from far away.
I dont remember anything special about this guy. I just really like the repetitionof images.

This guy went to different cities and collected things that he found on the street and turned them into dolls. The top left is from Tokyo, top right is from New York, bottom left is Gotenborg, Schweden and bottom right is Phuket Thailand.

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