Saturday, November 8, 2008

Zombies + tunnels = bad idea

These are photos from the Catacombs in Paris. It was really freaky being around all these bones. The ceiling was low and you were surrounded by bones, I was just glad that I didn't have to stay down there too long. I kept thinking of World War Z, when they talk about the tunnels under Paris and how during the zombie outbreak everyone went down there and then everyone got trapped and infected. I kept feeling like I would walk around a corner and see a zombie, or imagining how their moans would echo off the walls. Pont is, take my advice and during a zombie outbreak dont go into tunnels under anywhere, it was scary enough without any zombies.
Also in case you didn't notice because its not the best picture ever, the bottom one the skulls are in the shape of a heart. I thought it was sweet.

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